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What are the three main advantages of the Simpladent® treatment method with the Strategic Implant®?

  • 1. Speed:
    In just one single surgical procedure teeth are removed and Strategic Implants inserted immediately afterwards. Contrary to conventional methods, the implants are set into cortical bone. Only small amounts of this bone areas are necessary for successful treatment, thereby avoiding bone augmentation, bone transplants and sinus-lift. This saves 98% of the entire treatment time and significantly reduces suffering or discomfort for patient.

  • 2. Safety:
    Any surgical procedure we can spare reduces the overall risk for the patient. By opting out of bone augmentation, transplants and other procedures, the risks are minimized by the Simpladent® method: only a single surgical intervention is necessary.

  • 3. Painlessness:
    After the removal of teeth, patients may expect some pain ordinarily associated with such a procedure. However, no additional pain is experienced by inserting the implants. Therefore the process of setting the implants is virtually painless.

Am I eligible for treatment with the Simpladent® method?

Many patient asks themselves this question – even more those who suffer a compromised state of health or chronic illness (such as diabetes), or who are heavy smokers.

The answer is clearly: Yes! Over 99% of these patients are successfully treated with the Strategic Implant®.

This includes patients suffering periodontal disease and (chronic) gingivitis, and those who have given up on receiving fixed teeth due to prolonged, agonizing or expensive treatment methods. These patients can all receive care with a „single-treatment-step“.

What is the crucial difference between conventional implantology and the Simpladent® method?

Conventional implantology with 2-stage implants requires plenty of bone supply, time and money. In many cases, patients do not possess bone in adequate quantity, resulting in the need for bone augmentation, sinus lift surgery, or risky bone transplants. The entire treatment course is characterized by waiting periods, healing time and high costs.

This is where the distinct advantages of Simpladent® implantology become apparent. The method is swift, reliable and predictable.

Even patients with very low bone supply can receive immediate treatment with polished, single piece, cortical-basal implants. Our method only requires cortical bone areas, which exists in sufficient quantities in every jaw. These stable, cortical bone areas are ideally suited for implant placement and are available in practically every patient throughout their entire lives.

The Strategic Implant® can be immediately loaded. The feared peri-implantitis, a dangerous infection, does not occur in this treatment method at all.

I have enough bone and don’t suffer any health issues. Are there still advantages for me in choosing the Strategic Implant®?

Yes, you save a lot of time and money.

Many people are very busy in both their professional, and personal lives. They do not want to be bothered with numerous visits to the dentist and prefer fast, safe and predictible care. The Simpladent® method provides all this and is even affordable – patients save over two thirds of treatment expenses compared to conventional costs in Germany.
Fast, safe, predictible, reliable and affordable – these are the achievements of the Simpladent® treatment concept. Patients truly receive fixed teeth within three to a maximum of five days.
We even offer the „Business-Weekend“ for those in a hurry, so that they can attend the Monday morning meeting with a liberating smile – and freely chew lunch.

I am experiencing problems with my conventional implants. Can I switch to the Simpladent® treatment method?

Yes, of course.
The treatment costs for conventional 2-stage implants often accumulate uncontrollably over months or even years. One surgery here, another intervention there, aftercare… the bills pile up. The patient is afraid to terminate the treatment or isn’t aware of treatment alternatives. They feel stuck in a dead end.
Many surgical steps and procedures, such as bone grafting, are unnecessary in our treatment method. Being able to omit these procedures results in cost reduction of 30% compared to the expenses associated with traditional methods. Another 20% are saved by eliminating temporary prosthetic solutions, which are equally unnecessary in immediately loaded implants. Switching treatment methods and providers almost always pays off. The conventional implants are removed and the new Strategic Implants placed in one single surgical procedure. Patients can resume their lives with a smile within three to five days at most.

My doctor says I need bone augmentation before I can receive any implants.

Treatment providers educate patients to the best of their knowledge. As long as they hold on to conventional implantology, these additional procedures (such as bone augmentation with lengthy healing and waiting periods) will appear necessary – even despite the sufferings of the patient and despite the fact that treatment progress and success are uncertain due to numerous interventions. But patients nowadays have the choice to reject conventional treatment and look for alternatives.
The Strategic Implant® allows for work with very little bone supply, since the polished, single piece implants are inserted into stable bone areas that everyone has in sufficient quantities. Even patients with existing peri-implantitis, periodontal disease or gingivitis can receive immediate care with the Simpladent® method. The result is predictable and reliable.

How does the Simpladent® method compare to other treatment providers‘ offers of immediate loading, fixed teeth in three days, or „All-on-4“?

With the „All-on-4“-method, four conventional implants are set into the jaw at a slanted angle. (Similarly „All-on-6“ refers to six implants set at an angle.) This method entails a number of risks: Due to the low number of implants, loosening of screws and fracturing are to be expected over time. Only a single broken implant requires the entire construction to be replaced. This raises the costs of aftercare and prolongs treatment time. Since the masticatory center is not replaced, correct chewing becomes difficult. Additionally, the risk of developing peri-implantitis remains high, especially for at risk groups such as smokers or diabetics.
The Simpladent® treatment concept always supplies an adequate number of cortical-basal implants inserted into hard bone areas for optimal stability and long lasting results. They are all built for immediate loading.

What about so called „at risk“ patients (such as smokers or those suffering diabetes or other diseases)? Can they receive immediate care with the Strategic Implant®?

Yes, anytime.
The use of conventional 2-stage screw implants is always fraught with the likelihood of additional, unpredictable treatment steps and surgery. This is a burden for patients. Moreover, there is an ever present risk of peri-implantitis, a serious infection for which there is currently no effective treatment.
These problems do not occur with the Simpladent® treatment method. Only one surgical procedure is necessary, the implants consist of a polished single piece, and the aftercare takes place immediately. Cases of peri-implantitis are not known.

What is done during the control appointments and why is it so important for the patients to come to the control?

During control appointments we make sure that the position of the mandible is in accordance with the occlusion and the functional slopes. The position of the mandible changes throughout life and there are many reasons for this: the amount of bone in the mandible changes and the angle of the mandible also changes in shape. At the same time,- especially after many extractions have been performed-, both the upper and the lower jaw are shrinking. Due to this the contact points between upper and lower jaw will be found in a different position after some time. The will be adjusted.
If the bridges have shown wear, the vertical dimension is increased after about 3 to 5 years. We use composite for this. During control appointments the hygiene is controlled and some patients will require cleaning of the bridge.

What is „peri-implantitis“ and what can I do about it?

The longer conventional 2-stage implants with large, roughened surfaces are in use, the likelier the chances are for infections of the periodontium and around the implants. This infection is known as peri-implantitis and linked to bone loss. An advancement of the infection and subsequent loss of life quality for the patient often lead to the implant’s removal at a later time. The conventional implantation therapy has then failed.
Peri-implantitis appears in 50% of treated cases – and often after the implant has healed; just when everything looks good and patients begin using the implants to chew.
There is currently no effective treatment against this phenomenon. All attempts at cleaning the affected areas are to no avail, since millions of new bacteria are perpetually created inside the mouth. The only secure way of combating the infection is the removal of the conventional implants and the placement of Strategic Implants instead.
Detailed information on the topic is available here: www.peri-implantitis.info

What drawbacks does the Simpladent® method have?

None, the medical aspects are solely advantageous: It is fast, safe, affordable and predictable. There are no hidden „tricks“.

In rare cases the desired aesthetic result will not be achieved immediately. Due to the immediate loading concept (within 48 to 72 hours) the time for extensive perusal of aesthetic variations is limited. However, our specialized dental technicians are sufficiently prepared for these cases as well.

A natural process of bone rebuilding is to be expected after tooth extraction. In patients with very little bone supply, who could have not been treated at all with conventional screw implants, the formation of tiny gaps between gums and bridge might occur. This will be corrected by relining or replacement of the first bridge.

The rebuilding of bone is finalized after approximately six to nine months. At this time the implant stability is no longer endangered and it is possible – if desired - to exchange the bridge(s). We offer individual cost agreements that include the prospective bridge replacement in the quote of the initial treatment.

Note regarding aesthetic results in single cases:

There are occasional claims that the aesthetic results of our method is inferior to the results of conventional treatment. We respectfully disagree due to the fact that we disproportionately help patients not eligible for conventional treatment. It is therefore not possible to create a meaningful equivalency.

  • Provided the patients possess a large amount of bone (vertical and horizontal bone supply), a good aesthetic result can be reached with any method.

  • If the patient has only a very low supply of bone (so little that conventional treatment is impossible, not advisable, or only a viable option with extensive, risky bone augmentation procedures), the Simpladent method can still offer successful treatment in immediate loading.

  • In single cases we occasionally achieve asa result fixed teeth on stable imlants, however an aesthetic compromise has to be accepted due to reduced bone supply. In such cases it is often possible to improve the aesthetic result after the operation through additional steps in the field of aesthetic/plastic surgery.